Financial Management Consultant Services
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The latest edition of the Fisken Fiscal Facts has been published. More Info
Providing internal financial management consultancies to Non Profit Organizations and consulting firms, plus short term financial management consultancies overseas.
Welcome to Fisken & Company
J. Fisken, has extensive experience in accounting, financial
management and US Government contracting with Non Profit Organizations
and Consulting Firms that work in the United States, Latin America, Europe,
Asia, the South Pacific and Africa. He also is an expert on overhead rates
and fringe benefit rates that meet U.S. Government standards. Bernie is
an expert on taxation of Expatriate Americans living abroad and yearly
presents an all day workshop, Taxation of Americans Overseas,
for international organizations working globally.
Bernie is particularly familiar with the overseas working/living environment, having spent time in Asia, Africa and Latin America as a Peace Corps Volunteer, USAID contractor and independent consultant. He has extensive experience with both Non-Profit and For-Profit Organizations subject to U.S. Government contracting issues under the OMB Circulars and Federal Acquisition Regulations.
Bernie’s prior experience includes directing the International Department of a 70+ person CPA practice and serving as Senior Financial Manager with two Washington, DC based government contractors.
He holds a Masters Degree in Administration from the Wharton Graduate School of Business (University of Pennsylvania) and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting Degree from Bentley College. He is a member of numerous professional accounting societies and served on the Washington DC Board of Accountancy. He is a founding and current Board Member of APVOFM (Association of PVO Financial Managers). Bernie was also chosen as the 1985 Accounting Advocate of the Year for Washington DC by the U.S. Small Business Administration. He is an experienced trainer having taught numerous courses at American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, the University of Maryland, the Small Business Administration, and the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Graduate School at Princeton University. Bernie is fluent in Spanish and has a working knowledge of various other languages.